Most keystrokes as of late have been dedicated to the Millarworld Annual Competition. My entry was a short story set in the Starlight universe, featuring Duke McQueen — a character designed to explore the nuances of classic science fiction. We shall see how I fare; winners’ll supposedly be announced by the end of December, so I will be sure to post my submission soon after that.
Rotating off of the back burner is a new scripting method for disunity #3. Ron and I are going to try a Marvel-style format as we move forward. (The good ol’Stan-Lee method!) It should speed up our process a bit. My first pass should be done come this weekend, though my playthrough of StarCraft 2 might dictate otherwise.
Since this has turned into a to-do list of sorts, I might as well add lettering the inked pages for Dismal Signals to the pile. In the spirit of suspense, I’ll keep the black-and-white art to myself until I’ve thrown words on’em. The big question is whether or not I should seek out a colorist.
While I’ve been wording it up, Fahriza has been killing it on the coloring front. I’ll let his latest page speak for itself, a WIP treatment for one of Ambrosia #1’s two-pagers:
It’s crazy how much Noah’s art pops after seeing it fully rendered. I am very much looking forward to sharing more of this project as February approaches.
Luckily I’ve got plenty of room to test my mettle in the meantime. The second issue of disunity was published via comiXology Submit last week. So far reviews have been relatively positive, and hopefully I’ll have plenty to share come next month. Just as I start to think I’m getting this writing thing figured out, I realize I am flying blind when it comes to the art of (shameless) self-promotion.
Words are Good is an extension of said initiative, to an extent, but I’ve been thinking about ways to expand my use of WordPress — if for no other reason than to keep the fingers moving. My goal for 2015 was to write more, and I have written. Next year I think the plan’ll be to maintain my level of productivity while adding a lot more reading and reflection into the mix. Words are good, after all.
With one hour to spare, I bid November adieu. My parting gift is a brief preview of disunity #2. Enjoy!