The search for Ambrosia‘s colorist has concluded! After receiving samples from a handful of very talented candidates, Noah and I decided to move forward with Fahriza Kamaputra. It is great to see the last piece of our creative team fall into place!
We intend to have enough pages ready by February to take the project to Kickstarter. Check out our introduction to Ambrosia as well as the first of many Ambrosia updates to get a taste for what’s to come.
My focus for the next week or two will be a submission for the Millarworld Annual. Most of the time I am rather standoffish about entering contests of this sort, but the chance to write my take on Duke McQueen is too tempting to shy away from.
Dismal Signals is moving along nicely as well. Finished inks are due any day now from Mr. Roque — I am eager to start throwing words on them pages! Not sure where this story’s headed yet. It may be the first short I shop around for publication consideration in anthologies and whatnot.
I completed the lettering for disunity #2 last weekend, which means it is a final edit away from being sent to ComiXology Submit. It can be a while before the issue is actually published, so check back here for an official announcement (and extended preview). The first issue is still available for free, via this link, and embedded below.